
Tragic Death of Musa Khan: An Investigative Look into Allegations and Malakand University Policies

Musa Khan Univesity of Malakand
Musa Khan wearing National Party cap

Musa Khan, a journalism student at the university of Malakand, tragically lost his life in a road accident on Thursday night. His friends allege that he was expelled from the hostel for bringing a Rabab, a traditional musical instrument, prompting a chain of events that led to his untimely death.

Allegations and University Stance

Friends of the late Musa Khan claim that the university administration’s refusal to allow cultural activities contributed to the incident. They allege that Musa Khan was forced out of the hostel on the night of his death due to possessing a Rabab.

However, the university administration has firmly refuted these claims. They assert that Musa Khan, along with other students, was rusticated and issued show-cause notices not for cultural activities but for leaving the hostel without permission and engaging in one-wheeling.

According to Dr. Aziz, the university’s chief proctor, Musa Khan and the other students were residing in the hostel illegally, having already been suspended. Dr. Aziz also denied that bringing the Rabab into the hostel was an issue.

Governmental Response

In response to the news circulating on social media, the governor’s office issued a letter on Friday, stating that a comprehensive report on the circumstances leading to Musa Khan’s death was requested from the university. This report is to include the actions taken by the university both before and after the incident. The governor has also demanded a report regarding an unrelated altercation between students of the economics department. Both reports are expected by Monday.

The Incident and the Aftermath

Musa Khan was in his sixth semester, on the brink of completing his degree. He was an active volunteer with the Bacha Khan Baba Raza Karr organization and was well-regarded by his peers. On the night of the incident, he attended an event organized by Shangla students. His alleged expulsion from the hostel for bringing a Rabab to this event left him devastated and without a place to go.

Tragically, while wandering the streets, Musa Khan was struck by a car driven by an individual from Lahore, resulting in his immediate death.

A Call for Accountability

This incident raises critical questions about the university’s policies and their enforcement. Was Musa Khan’s expulsion justified, and did the university act in a manner that ensured student safety? The nation’s attention is now on the university’s administration, demanding accountability and justice for Musa Khan.

An Alumni’s Perspective

As an alumnus of this university, located in Dir Lower Chakdara, I have firsthand experience of its environment and policies. The university operates under strict rules, prohibiting student groups and camera recordings on the premises. Any form of student union is banned, reflecting an outdated teaching style prevalent in many universities across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Resources at the university are limited, with inadequate hostel facilities. Often, only those with strong connections to the warden or professors can secure accommodation. During my four years at the university, I lived in a small private room made by local villagers for business. Conditions were harsh, with poor services like food, internet, and electricity.

As we await the reports from the vice-chancellors, the hope is that Musa Khan’s death will not be in vain but will instead prompt necessary changes to ensure the safety and well-being of all students.


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